Legal Compliance Audit

The main objective of a legal compliance audit, is to ensure an organisation comply with the law.
The audit will identify if some relevant legislation is unknown to the organisation being audited, as well as if they are being complied with.
A legal compliance audit is beneficial for organisations of all sizes and across various industries.
There is environmental and health & safety legislation that every company has to comply with and being unaware of them, does not prevent a prosecution if an accident happens.

Failure by a business to ensure compliance with the applicable health & safety or environmental legislation, can result in severe penalties and even criminal prosecution.

We provide two types of legal compliance audit. One covers environmental legislation and the other covers health & safety legislation.
For the majority of our clients, the environmental compliance audit and health and safety compliance audit is conducted as one.
Environmental Compliance Audit
There is a range of environmental legislation that every company has to comply with.
The legislation covers areas such as waste management, air pollution, dangerous substances, use/disposal of water, nuisance and energy amongst many others.
Our environmental compliance audit provides you with an environmental legal register and ensures your compliance with all relevant environmental legislation

Health and Safety Compliance Audit
Within health & safety, there is a substantial number of legislations. Some of them are relevant for all companies and others cover specific areas such as lifting equipment or noise at work. It is important to be aware of all health & safety relevant for your business.
Our health & safety compliance audit provides you with a health & safety legal register and ensure your compliance with all relevant health & safety legislations